Photobie is an application customized for photo editing. It is a free, but ad-supported photo viewing application that's attractive and advanced.
Here are some screenshots to illustrate the features and user interface of this application:
Edit photographs access and use painting tools and multiple templates, import 3D models and take snapshots of the screen. Screenshot of Photobie - 2342px · 1670pxAd-riddled installation and typical GUI. Screenshot of Photobie - 2342px · 1670pxAdd layers, apply effects and create animations. Screenshot of Photobie - 2342px · 1670pxManage and use templates, import 3D models and take screen captures. Screenshot of Photobie - 2342px · 1670pxGraphics editor with multi-layer support. Screenshot of Photobie - 2342px · 1670pxFreeware image editor with screen capture and animated GIF support. Screenshot of Photobie - 1480px · 1593px